About us
Our identity

SG 29 Haussmann is the management company dedicated to Societe Generale clients, such as Retail, Private Banking and institutional clients in France. It offers asset management based on strong convictions, in-depth analysis of the macroeconomic environment and financial markets. As a committed asset management company, it takes into account the challenges of sustainable development in its investments.
Our history
Our values
#1 A wealth management approach
Our approach focuses on the resilience of assets selected in our allocation decisions.

Your goal is to see your financial assets managed from a long-term perspective. Our investment philosophy aims to protect your capital and build your wealth.
Our investment strategy is set over the long term, with bespoke solutions aligned with your investment knowledge and experience, financial situation, investment objectives and investor profile. By continuously working to diversify your assets, we position your investments to capture market rallies while seeking to offset downside movements.
#2 Conviction-based portfolio management
As our client, you benefit from portfolio management rooted in strong convictions, based on an extensive analysis of the macroeconomic environment and the financial markets.
Our investment and stock-picking process is based on an examination of company fundamentals.
Our portfolio managers are proficient in forging long-term convictions.
Our investment decisions are informed by our regular meetings with the management teams of portfolio companies.
A well-diversified, flexibly managed equity portfolio is capable of outperforming over the long term with lower volatility.
#3 A responsible investment approach
As we see it, investments can be meaningful as well as profitable by incorporating sustainable development criteria.
Our investment universe exclude issuers that fail to comply with international ethical standards (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Labour Law, etc.) and are involved in controversial activities such as thermal coal, controversial weapons, tobacco, etc.
We work closely with you to give meaning to your investments through a portfolio management offer that employs environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria.
We include ESG criteria in our voting policy at General Meetings held by portfolio companies.
#4 Personalised support, guaranteed
We provide personalised assistance in the choice of your portfolio management services.
Embedded in the private banking network, our asset management company develops close relations with its clients. We regularly monitor your assets and offer frequent contact with our portfolio management teams, in addition to your regular contact with your private banking advisor. Our asset management company relies on a global network of financial analysts, while also benefiting from our local expertise. We benefit from a strong regional presence throughout France.
#5 At the service of Societe Generale Institutional Clients
Our institutional clients and partners can benefit from the expertise and know-how of our investment professionals who are at their disposal to meet their investment objectives, challenges and needs.
Benefit from a wide range of tailor-made investment strategies to help you:
- Protect your portfolio through either options based strategies or protected and actively managed strategies
- Combine fundamental analysis with quantitative models with our own investment methodology developed by the management team through quantitative management
- Obtain equity refinancing through collateral optimization funds
- Acess Smart Financing funds to reduce credit risk and interest rate exposure while dilivering higher expected ruturns on cash investments in a challenging regulatory, and economic environment
Data as of 31 december 2023
Our areas of expertise
Structured Investment solutions
- Achieve specific investment goals depending on asset classes, capital protection, investment horizon, tolerated risk level, expected return, market anticipation through customizable dedicated strategies, in your desired legal structure.
Multi-asset class strategies
- Strategies rooted in our core values and historic know-how
- Diversification is our watchword. Enjoy the benefits of the dynamic management of our allocations
- Get the best of both worlds: active and passive (benchmarked) portfolio management
Equity Strategies
- Draw on the expertise of European and international equities managers, boasting more than 20 years’ experience on the financial markets
- In-depth fundamental analyses of each company, while also incorporating non-financial criteria
- Aim for resilience in portfolio investment lines
Bond Strategies
- Manage portfolio assets with selectivity and a focus on resilience
- Draw on the credit expertise and fixed income strategies of our investment teams
Structured Products and Derivatives strategies
- Add tailor-made structured products benefiting from Societe Generale Group’s longstanding expertise in the field
- Target resilience by using hedging techniques to offset market shocks

Collective asset management
We designed both a 29 Haussmann fund range and an open-architecture range to give you access to our fundamental portfolio management expertise in equities, bonds and multi-asset classes.
The range comprises around twenty funds, with total assets under management of approximately €4 billion at end-2021.

Discretionary asset management
Our asset management services carry our group seal: expertise, professionalism and team spirit.
This is the foundation on which we offer to uniquely manage your financial wealth.
Through our wealth management approach, we aim to grow your financial wealth over the long term for greater peace of mind.

Structured Investment Solutions
Our expertise in investment funds and structured solutions is the result of our ability to constantly innovate, allowing us to design tailor-made strategies that can combine all types of management in line with the performance objectives and risk profile of clients:
- Structured funds for institutional clients.
- Refinancing funds for securities lending activities
This activity represents EUR 20 billion of assets under management.
Our responsible engagement
Our SRI policy
At SG 29 Haussmann, we firmly believe that a solid corporate social responsibility policy is synonymous with sustainable long-term financial performance.
In our approach to wealth management, it is our fiduciary responsibility as an asset management company to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and factors in all our investment processes. In line with our philosophy of transferring wealth to future generations, we aim for greater sustainability and social responsibility in our investments, and enable our institutional and private banking clients to contribute to positive and necessary changes.
Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) combines traditional financial criteria and non-financial aspects referred to as ESG (environmental, social, governance) criteria. The goal is to finance companies and public-sector organisations that contribute to sustainable development, irrespective of their business sector. SRI promotes the transition to a more sustainable economy by influencing governance behaviours and management practices.
The philosophy behind our SRI engagement is based on an ESG approach integrating nonfinancial criteria, the calculation of the carbon footprint generated by our portfolios, and a voting and engagement policy.
ESG Criteria
Three pillars serve to assess the incorporation of sustainable development and long-term objectives in corporate strategies
E- Environnemental
- Energy efficiency
- Climate change
- Prevention of environmental risks
S- Social
- Security of facilities
- Health and well-being
- Socioeconomic impact
- Employee rights
G- Governance
- Diversity and equal opportunities
- Shareholder rights
- Transparency
- Portfolio management structure
- ESG Criteria
Our management teams
Experts tasked with bespoke management of your assets
Our company specialises in wealth management
As an AMF-authorised asset manager, SG 29 Haussmann employs an investment process overseen by its Asset Allocation Committee, headed by its CIO. The purpose of the Committee, which relies on recommendations by specialist committees including our portfolio managers, is to establish an investment strategy to serve as a foundation for all portfolio management strategies.
Our wealth management thus stands out for its proficiency in optimising a portfolio’s performance over a medium/long-term horizon with controlled risk, and in accordance with the expectations of our private banking clients.
The skill of SG 29 Haussmann portfolio managers in generating renowned performances lies mainly in the quality of its investment process.
Drawing on the global financial market expertise of Societe Generale, SG 29 Haussmann portfolio managers set themselves apart with their independent investor culture and their in-depth knowledge of the companies in which they invest.
The growing complexity of the financial markets calls for a rigorous selection of assets in the interest of creating value over the long term.
Our executive committee

Guillaume de Martel joined SG 29 Haussmann S.A.S. in September 2020. Prior becoming CEO of SG29H Deutschland, Guillaume helped established Lyxor Intermediation which he then headed from 2017 to 2019. Previously, he was an equity ETF portfolio manager at Lyxor Asset Management (2014 to 2017) and before that an equity derivatives trader within SG Markets then JP Morgan.
Guillaume is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique.

Valéry has been CIO of SG 29 Haussmann since 2016, in charge of defining the investment strategy. He has headed Fixed Income Strategies and managed the 29H Euro Rendement fund since 2011 and, to that end, oversees the orientation of bond investments in the portfolios. Valéry has performed discretionary asset management duties since 1994, first at Societe Generale, then BNP Paribas, followed by Tocqueville Finance, while also working as a financial consultant. He boasts more than 30 years’ experience in the asset management industry.
Valéry is an actuary by training and holds a degree in Financial Engineering.

Jean Bernard joined SG 29 Haussmann in January 2023 as Head of Sales. From 2019 to 2022, Jean Bernard was Head of Management at Crédit du Nord where he was responsible for the Investment and Development Committee of Mandate Management and Advisory Management. Prior to that, he was an Advisory Manager for Credit du Nord Private Banking (2013 to 2019).
Jean Bernard holds a Master’s Degree in Wealth Management from ESCP and a Master’s degree in Business Law and Taxation from Paris II Panthéon Assas University.

In SGAM’s sales teams from 2006, in charge of implementing employee savings contracts, Delphine then joined BDDF’s Finance Department in the Profitability team in 2010. In particular, she is responsible for the financial management of Societe Generale clients. Delphine then joined the Finance Department of SG Private Banking where she took responsibility for the financial management of SGPB in France.
Delphine is a graduate of Toulouse Business School.

Hugues has been RCCI of SG 29 Haussmann since 2013 and second executive manager of the asset management firm since 2018.
He previously held various central positions in Societe Generale’s Private Banking Department, and at Societe Generale Asset Management (SGAM) where he served as Head of trading entity SGAM Négociation, Deputy Head of Equity Strategies and Head of Resources and Organisation.
He boasts more than 30 years’ experience in the capital markets and asset management industry.
Areas of expertise: Hugues Bernamonti graduated from Université Paris IX Dauphine with a major in Finance, from the Conservatoire National des Arts & Métiers (CNAM), and also from Société Française des Analystes Financiers (SFAF).

Paul Sylvain joined SG 29 Haussmann in January 2022 as Chief Operating Officer. From 2017 to 2022, Paul worked within Société Générale Inhouse Consulting department and accompany the SG Group in its strategic priorities. Previously, he was a consultant at EY (2011 to 2017), conducting several assignements for Wealth and Asset Manangement actors.
Paul holds a Master's Degree in Finance from Toulouse Business School and a DiplomKaufmann, equiv. Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Technische Universität (TU) Berlin.

Julie Himbert Bliaux joined SG 29 Haussmann in January 2020. As Head of Development and Synergies, she manages the management company’s strategic projects. Julie has 20 years of experience in cross-business project management, focusing on the digital and organizational transformation of financial services.
She previously worked for 6 years as a management consulting firm and 10 years at Societe Generale Private Banking.
Julie holds a Master 2 in Quantitative Economics from Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University.

Olivier Benhamou joined SG 29 Haussmann in November 2022 as Head of Structured investment Solutions. Before taking up the position of Head of Structured Management activities at Lyxor, Olivier worked for Groupama AM, where he developed derivative and structured management from 2017 to 2019. Previously, he was multi-asset and overlay manager at Seeyond (2014 to 2017) after having been responsible for pricing complex instruments and in charge of derivative credit modelling at Ostrum between 2007 and 2014.
Olivier holds two master's degrees: engineering from ENSTA and a master’s in mathematics at ENS / Ecole Polytechnique / University Paris 6.

Julie joined Societe Generale Group in 2000 and Societe Generale Private Banking in 2022 on development, structuring and offering management functions including the ESG dimension and engagement. Prior to joining SGPB, Julie spent 4 years as Head of Marketing and Development at Lyxor Asset Management and helped creating the Group’s new savings offer, La Nouvelle Génération d’Epargne, in sub-advisory. Between 2010 and 2018, Julie held several roles of supervision and structuring of product marketing activities within SGPB and thus contributed to the development of Advisory and Management activities under Mandate. Prior to joining SGPB, Julie spent 10 years as Head of Institutional Marketing and Tendering at SGAM. She started her career in SGAM’s Employee Savings division in 2000.
Julie holds a Master 2 in Banking and Finance from Paris-Dauphine University as well as an ESG analyst qualification from CESGA/SFAF.

Laurent PETIT joined SG 29 Haussmann in July 2023 as Head of Private Debt. With 20 years of experience in this market, including 12 years in Societe Generale’s structured finance teams, he was previously Head of Private Debt Funds at Lyxor where he recruited the teams and business development.
Laurent is a graduate of ESSEC.