Structured Investment Solutions
Benefit from a wide range of tailor-made investment strategies to help you:
- Combine fundamental analysis with quantitative models according to an investment methodology developed by the management team.
- Protect your portfolio with options-based strategies or active management and protection strategies.
Benefit from an investment model adapted to the evolutions and regulatory constraints of clients. _________________________________
- Access Solutions that meet the needs of asset managers, banks and institutions.
Proprietary investment methodology combining fundamental analysis and quantitative models. Our quantitative managers produce systematic strategies across all asset classes.
Aims to provide implicit or explicit protection over a wide universe of underlying assets using a dynamic and customizable rebalancing between return-generating and low-risk assets.
Uses options-based strategies and exploits the convexity* of these instruments (options with a non-linear return profile) to obtain exposures or differentiating protection.
Range of index funds or tailor-made solutions with more attractive returns than money markets supervised risks(interest rate and credit risks).
*Convexity is a measure of the curvature, or the degree of the curve, in the relationship between two points of interest i.e. example: (equity sensitivity variation between two strikes on an option).
Name | ISIN code | Asset class | Investor |
SG Haussmann EVO FUND | FR0010343822 | Equity | Institutional |
SG Haussmann EVO FUND WORLD | FR0010536821 | Equity | Institutional |
SAFE PERFORMER | FR0010542522 | Equity | Institutional |
Garant Dynamic | LU0253954332 | Structured management | Institutional |
Dynamic Vario Protect IT | LU0301268404 | Multi-asset | Institutional |
CAMPINA FUND | LU0305040114 | Multi-asset | Institutional |
EURO EVOLUTION | LU2010458359 | Multi-asset | Retail |
EUROPE EVOLUTION | LU2178924143 | Equity | Retail |
GLOBAL EVOLUTION | LU2276673386 | Equity | Retail |
QUADRANT EUROPE | LU2359287443 | Equity | Retail |
LFDE INTERNATIONAL SELECTION | LU2408608722 | Equity | Retail |
GLOBAL HORIZON | LU2478815579 | Equity | Retail |
EUROPE HORIZON | LU2478815140 | Equity | Retail |
LFDE TRANSATLANTIC | LU2544562254 | Equity | Retail |
SG PROTECTION 85 | FR0014008RN4 | Equity | Retail |
ZEPHYR EUROPE | LU2544561959 | Equity | Retail |
COMPASS TRANSATLANTIC | LU2544561520 | Equity | Retail |
CARMIGNAC EQUITY SELECTION | LU2544562502 | Equity | Retail |
TOCQUEVILLE ACTIONS EVOLUTION | LU2544562841 | Equity | Retail |
SGPB PREMIUM SELECTION EUROPE | LU2667750249 | Equity | Retail |
HUMAN CAPITAL EUROPE | LU2667747963 | Equity | Retail |
PERSPECTIVE TRANSATLANTIC | LU2667748268 | Equity | Retail |
ELEVA EUROPEAN OPTIMA | LU2667749829 | Equity | Retail |
AB GLOBAL DEVELOPED HEALTH CARE | LU2744488573 | Equity | Retail |
ALLEGRO TRANSATLANTIC | LU2667747617 | Equity | Retail |
SG29 MAS FUNDS - STEP PREMIUM | LU2868914388 | Multi-asset | Retail |
MISTRAL US | LU2667748938 | Equity | Retail |
BOREAS EUROZONE | LU2667748698 | Equity | Retail |
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In particular, the information available on this website is not intended for nationals or citizens of the United States of America, or “U.S. Persons”, as per the definition of this term by “Regulation S” of the Securities and Exchange Commission in virtue of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 which concerns all individuals residing in the United States of America and all entities or companies set up or registered in virtue of US regulations.
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