29 Haussmann Funds
Funds built for client assets using the expertise of SG29H
A panel of 12 funds classified according to different approaches, 7 of which are SRI-certified
Diversified funds
Mixed funds investing in the international equity and bond markets.
Equity fund implementing a conviction stock picking strategy targeting a specific geographic area
Range of flexible funds in market environments calling for adaptability and responsiveness
Multi-Assets classes
Funds of profiled funds assuming various levels of risk
29 Haussmann funds
Name | ISIN code | Asset class | Investor |
29 HAUSSMANN EURO RENDEMENT | FR0010902726 | Multi-asset | Retail |
29 HAUSSMANN EURO CREDIT | FR001400BQ78 | Fixed Income | Retail |
29 HAUSSMANN SELECTION MONDE | FR0007050570 | Equity | Retail |
29 HAUSSMANN FLEXIBLE MONDE | FR0010267476 | Equity | Retail |
29 HAUSSMANN SELECTION EUROPE | FR0011443001 | Equity | Retail |
29 HAUSSMANN ACTIONS EUROPE | FR0011443225 | Equity | Retail |
29 HAUSSMANN SELECTION FRANCE | FR0011443233 | Equity | Retail |
29 HAUSSMANN MULTI MANAGERS PEA-PME | FR0013451234 | Funds of Funds | Retail |
29 HAUSSMANN EQUILIBRE | FR0007040373 | Multi-asset | Retail |
29 HAUSSMANN FLEXIBLE STRUCTURES | FR0013473568 | Structured management | Retail |
29 HAUSSMANN FLEXIBLE MULTI-STRATEGIES | FR0013506342 | Multi-asset | Retail |
29 HAUSSMANN EURO OBLIGATIONS D'ETATS | FR001400N3U0 | Fixed Income | Retail |
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